viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007


How visual media affect people?

When we wake up we watch TV. Then, when we have breakfast we read the newspaper. Throughout the day, we read a magazine, go to the cinema, watch many kinds of TV programs, etc. Since we wake up until we go to bed, visual media is in our day. Visual media is very important in our lives. They are not only a way of entertainment, they can be used in school, like a therapy or if we want to learn another language.

There are many kinds of visual media. Some media can be helpful for people: Documentaries, news, movies, scientific magazines. On the other hand, visual media like soap operas and reality TV programmes have more disadvantages than advantages.

Benefits of the visual media:

Visual media can be used in education. There are movies and documentaries about medicine, science, art, history, math and other fields of study. Visual media allows students to increase their knowledge and also makes the class more interesting.

If we are studying another language we can use movies or TV programmes to practice our listening and learn more vocabulary.

Visual media is a good option in our free time if we choose correctly. We can know what’s happening in the whole world, watching TV or reading a magazine or a newspaper. Also, we can learn something about other countries and cultures

Disadvantages of the Visual Media:

Visual media can be an addiction. Some people need to watch TV all the time and also replaces their activities because there is their favorite programme on TV. In many families TV is like another family member. TV is present when they have breakfast, do their activities, and even when they go to the bed. Visual media also affect their decision and their opinions.

The amount of violence in visual media is incredible. TV programmes, movies and magazines can scare people or affect them. A lot of TV can be dangerous and decrease our abilities and attention capacity
Nowadays everybody has a TV at home, got to the cinema in their free time and read a newspaper or a magazine once a week at least. That’s why visual media is very important in our lives. Visual media influences in our opinion and culture. Visual media can be useful if we choose correctly.

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