sábado, 20 de octubre de 2007



This exciting film is an action and horror movie. It is based on a videogame. Its setting is in USA, in the future, after a virus turned people into zombies.

The Umbrella Corporation was trying to develop a cure. Since Alice (Milla Jovovich) was captured by the Umbrella Corporation, she was part of a biogenetic experiment. She could escape but now she has special abilities. Alice and a group of survivors were trying to reach Alaska. They believed that the virus was not spread in Alaska.
Alice and the survivors arrived to Las Vegas. The Umbrella Corporation located them and sent zombies. They tried to capture Alice, but she was too strong. Alice and the survivors went to the Umbrella Laboratory and stole a helicopter. The survivors flew to Alaska. Alice fought with Dr. Isaacs and won. Then she decided to face the Umbrella Corporation with an especial weapon: an army of her clones

I think it is a good movie. I like it even I had never seen the previous movies. This film is a good combination of horror, action and science fiction. This movie is the third of a trilogy about a video game but I think it won’t be the last.

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