jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007


Legends, ghosts, calacas and mystery have been part of Mexican culture.

Colonial cities have enchantment and mistery with a special envirinmrnt and each city has particular legends or common myths.

"La llorona" is the most famous Mexican legend. There are many versions about this legend. Maybe this legend has it origin in the conquer . Maybe the mysterious woman was a Mexican goddess that announced terrible events. Another version says that "La llorona" is "La Malinche" soul, regretful to betray Mexican people during Mexican conquer. Maybe this ghost is the soul of a murdered woman or the soul of a woman who killed her sons.

There is another legend about a woman. She was called "la Mulata de Cordoba". Many people though that she was a witch or that she had a pact with the devil. She was jailed by the "Santa Inquisicion", but she escaped. The legend says that she drew a boat in the wall with a coal. The jailer saw when she jumped to the paint in the wall and escaped sailing in the boat.

A particular of Mexican culture is the "Catrina". She is an elegant "calaca" that symbolizes the privileged class of the last century. Now the Catrina is an elegant symbol of death and a nice costume for a party.

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